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Leonardo da Vinci Special – developmental programme


Our Leonardo da Vinci Special programme was created to find and develop special talents and skills in children and youth with DS that can help them improve their self-image and self-confidence, as well as better include into society.

There are two main goals we aim for:

  • Leonardo da Vinci Specialdiscover talents in children as soon as possible by creating an individual educational programme and upgrade their potentials step by step throughout their childhood and adolescence to become qualified for a job that is most suitable for them;
  • educate parents how to support and help their children in a most appropriate way, and how to see their children in a different light by focusing on their positive characteristics.

The programme is carried out by several professionals and artists who teach at workshops in various (mostly artistic) fields: music, depictive art, physical education, dance, drama, housework, speech, reading, cooking, gardening, IT course.
Workshops are happening throughout the whole year, mostly over weekends in our Planet47 Centre, but also in establishments we cooperate with.


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